This morning, I saw one of the nicest young people I know. We smiled and waved at each other. The entire exchange probably took one second. How long is one second, when you think of it? Sure, just a little thing in our day. So, why even mention it?
From what people tell me, most of you are feeling overwhelmed with bad news in this world. It's almost impossible to escape, since it shouts at us from every electronic source. The weight of the anger and unkindness spewed all over media often breaks my heart and spirit.
Have you ever seen a choking person receive a Heimlich maneuver? It allows them to breath again. It can often take about as long as a smile and a wave.
I received an emotional Heimlich today to reset the world's effect on my heart and mind. A quick wave, and seeing one of my favorite smiles this morning, was refreshing.
So, as I thank my sweet young friend for sharing her beautiful, sunny smile, I encourage you to keep track of those brief, sincere connections with kind people this week. I have a feeling that some of those fleeting seconds will be the best things that happen to you all week. Yes, the little things ARE the best things.
Have a great week, friends!