Most of life isn't victories or pinnacle experiences. It's "in-between" moments, and millions of them.
The top image is far from the finished one on the bottom. It's a good reminder that we spend most of our time preparing, lugging things around, assembling, adjusting, trying, failing, trying again, etc. It's the same for every line of work. Our mountaintop moments in life are few. Could that be the case because our focus is on the wrong things?
I've learned that the "real" mountaintop experiences are simply being alive, meeting new people, and the memories we gain from our shared experiences. The joy in life is the "doing," and not just the eventual goal being achieved. We spend most of our lives in the doing phase. If we learn to see those many hours and years as life best moments, we'll have discovered an overlooked mystery: The joy is in our interactions with others, and the exhilaration we experience combining our unique contributions. It's called synergy. 1+1=3. The more people's talents we combine with ours, the higher we all rise.
One day, we'll all wish we could simply be doing what we were created to do again, no matter what our job or calling. Why? Because we'll remember the magic that was found in connecting with other people. We were created for connection and shared moments. It's what makes it all worthwhile!
Aug 19, 2021, 8:20:48 AM
John Zogaria - Thanks so much, Gary!
Aug 19, 2021, 2:20:11 AM
Gary Silber - John, your images ste simply wonderful!