We're all reminded to follow our dreams. So long as it fits with reality, that's good advice. I prefer the term "envision." Taking the time to think about what's possible, what's good for myself and others, and what investment of time and resources are going to be needed.
Where we all need to put on the brakes is when dreaming or envisioning becomes daydreaming, or simply wishful thinking. Tossing out thousands of dollars over a lifetime playing the lottery is a great example. Flitting precious time on mindless entertainment is another huge thief of mental potential.
Those who truly achieve success, first of all, have developed their thinking ability far more than their following ability. It takes reading a wide variety of quality literature, being fully aware of what's in front of their eyes and ears, and seeking wisdom over information. A wise person's actions provide greater return by far.
If we have the proper attitude, then follow up with being people of action and not passivity, we're on our way to making our lives and world better.
So, take time to dream, but be sure to follow-up with the harder part: daily action and making good use of every hour. Our hours turn into days, weeks, and a lifetime. It's our use of them that have led us to our current situation. If we want better, we need better vision and action.