Much of media today has forgotten something from the golden age of Hollywood. That something is elegance.
elegance | ˈeləɡəns | noun: The quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
Anyone can behave with grace and style, and we all need it from each other. None of us needs to look far for edginess, harshness, or rude speech or behavior. The supply far outweighs the demand. Elegance, on the other hand, is something we all crave. It fills our need for beauty and dignity.
I'm not as psychologist, but I wouldn't be surprised if our disproportionate lack of elegance helps fuel the defensiveness and anger so easily triggered. Elegance has a quiet sense about it. It inspires poise.
I do a lot of fine-art ballet photography. It's one of the most elegant forms of posture and movement I've witnessed. Fashion photography also exudes this quality. It gives people true class, tapping into our sense of dignity.
So, the next time you see a beautiful ballerina or model with elegant poise, pull your shoulders back, don't slouch, and add some elegance to the world around you. We need it!