This time of year, Spring just isn't close enough. Also, we're all overwhelmed with heavy information that often draws the life from us. What's a person to do?
This is when remembering good things we've experienced fills an important need. Throw Back Thursday is a day I enjoy every week. It's a perfect reminder to look back a bit at people and events that lifted our spirits.
Last summer, I wanted to do an Asian-themed modeling session, simply to celebrate the unique beauty of that culture. I had an opportunity to photograph this lovely young lady who perfectly fit the look and mood I envisioned. We had an awesome session. This is one of many magical portraits that evolved from the event.
So today, rather than starting my day looking outside and the cold, harsh, winter weather, I'm remembering a beautiful vision I had, the young lady who helped me realize it, and two valued friends who brought us together. Yes, Throw Back Thursday is just what I need today. How about you?