We all know that diamonds are formed under pressure and heat. So are we.
We've been lied to about stress. It's absolutely necessary and healthy. Any time we see anyone perform well, it's not a result of comfort. Decades as a physical therapist revealed a clear understanding of this unbreakable truth. I've had the opportunity to treat patients from all walks of life, from major league athletes, to victims of physical injury. The saddest though, were the victims of comfort. Comfort is a killer.....literally.
Our minds, skills, and muscles all grow from application of regular stress. Of course, excessive stress will indeed damage our minds and tissues. With that said, we've greatly lowered our tolerance to stress, both physically and mentally. Technology makes doing most things easier. Protection from respectful debate robs our minds of the ability to find truth for ourselves. Avoidance of things outside our comfort zones, physically or mentally, results in weakness and dependence. Rather than avoiding stress, seek out necessary challenges to our lull to comfort with determination.
So, remember those carbon atoms that become diamonds. If we perform disciplined habits daily, pushing outside our comfort zones, and then polish those learned skills, we'll sparkle one day as well. The younger we start, the bigger the stone; however, even a small diamond can have tremendous beauty. Become all you can. You can do it. You deserve to sparkle as much as those you admire, and you can.