We all know it's important to sing our song. Everyone has a song, or a dream, which we're briefly here to bring to life. No one can tell us what that is. It has to be discovered through living, observation, and listening to our hearts. To miss finding that, developing it into tangible reality, and using it to make this a better world, is to miss life. The saddest thing felt on one's death bed is "regret." To have lived, but missed being alive.
Here's where the second test of maturity comes in: Letting others sing their song, too. None of us is more or less important than anyone else granted this brief journey on earth. We're witnessing a tremendous loss of respect for others. We must avoid the ego's desire for attention and domination. Instead, like a fine orchestra, we must find a way to blend our song into that of others.
So, don't miss your purpose here. Find out what it is, work to develop it fully, then find a way to use it for the betterment of others. Next, encourage others to do the same. Although history shows that this has never happened universally, there are many instances of it happening in pockets of truly mature and responsible people. In becoming one of them, we'll not have to fear regret when it's our time to leave....