Daily life and responsibilities require that we accept certain levels of uncertainty and stress. Work itself, like healthy exercise, requires that we "put ourselves out there," and not passively languish in comfort zones. Comfort itself eventually kills us, physically and emotionally. With that said, we also need to "decompress" at intervals to allow our bodies and minds time to process and repair. Achieving a balance of stress and repair results in optimal well being.
There are places we go which immediately impact our levels of peace. It's why taking a walk anywhere in nature is healthy, healing, and useful to regain hope and perspective. Where is your place of peace, and how can you change that from someplace "outside" to someplace "inside?"
One of the healthiest habits to develop is crafting your place of peace. It can be your time of reading and prayer, meditation, or simply counting your blessings.
Wherever it might be, be sure to go there for even a short time every day. It's where your batteries are recharged, and where your hope is restored!