Life can be a blur with the pace many of us try to keep. Now, I'm not knocking busy if our attitude is to not waste a precious moment of time learning, becoming, and serving others. That kind of busy releases the creative force of life with every step.
When life being a blur isn't good, is when we look back and wonder where time has gone, regretting daily distractions shunting our development. They're the many, ultimately meaningless, escapes. Each of us is gifted with unique talents. They don't come fully developed and useable. That's where personal discipline and responsibility matter. A field doesn't grow corn unless someone tills the soil, weeds and waters daily, and keeps predators away. ONLY then, can a harvest be anticipated after the required season of growth. The same goes for latent talents and skills not progressed daily.
Today is Monday. Let's all take a bold step toward our light and our goals, with disciplined mastery of time for something worthy of our brief trip on planet earth. Either our wills, or our distractions, will win. As the English say, "Let's crack on!"