Time flies. We all say that. It's an international standard. Often used as filler in casual conversation, we don't usually stop and consider how starkly true it is. All of our clocks leave one day behind every twenty-four hours, and those days pass by so quickly.
I recently visited my Goddaughter's family. Each time we get together, our friendship remains very special, but particulars change. Everyone ages. New faces are added. Residences and jobs change. And, oh yes, the babies also need a change, and quite frequently.
I've been very honored being a part of this newly-married young lady's life since she was born. As I looked at her and her husband this trip, I considered how many years have passed since I first, rather nervously, held her as a baby. She's now a responsible physical therapist, married to the person she loved since her teens. They were truly meant for each other.
Being a photographer, I'm part of hundreds of lives, entrusted to capture moments and memories otherwise lost. Moments in friend's lives are also important to me. People I love are clicking through their finite chapters, while I'm doing the same through mine.
I created this image at my recent visit to preserve a moment in lives of people I love, and to be able to look at it and remember being with them. We can't stop time, but we can freeze memories to revisit. Photography is a magic window to look through for years to come, to remember people, places, feelings, and love. And, who can't use some real magic now and then?