Everyone needs inspiration. It's what propels us to higher levels of study and practice, both of which require considerable effort. Inspiration also gives our hearts the motivation to "hang in there" every day, no matter what's happening around us. It differs from stimulation, which moves people to do good, as well as evil. Inspiration always lifts us, and others, up.
There's one major inspiration who has been gone from this world for many years. The magic he created was done with two things; a paint brush, and an awareness of the sweet moments in life that feed our hearts with pure love, humor, and hope. His name was Norman Rockwell. I never tire of looking at his wonderful paintings. I'm drawn to the innocent side of beauty and people, and so wish we better protected it. It's an antidote to the chaos and insanity of today.
I hope each of you has inspirations that encourage you to dig deep and become your truly "best" self. May the pure charm of this Rockwell image, remind each of us that simple acts of caring are what make life worth living. May it remind us all that innocence, pure and simple, is where we find peace. Innocence may be out of style in media, but it never goes out of style for the human heart.
I wish you love in its purest and simplest forms. Be inspired.....