Creating beautiful portraits, or anything else, requires careful attention to detail, for both subject and photographer. With that said, we also enjoy fun and laughs. Being able to be human, letting go of tensions, and "playing," are all part of a successful creative environment.
I usually post my finished portraits, since it shows my subject and my work as people expect. This is just a behind the scenes moment of fun to remind that working with people can also be a lot of fun for us both, especially between the "work" shots.
Whatever your job today, I hope there's a place where you can be yourself, laugh a little, and make someone else smile too. Life is important to approach responsibly. It's also important to not miss small nuggets of joy when we can. After all, happiness is part of good work!
Have a great day, friends!
[Model: Gretchen G., Mary Therese Friel Modeling Agency]