Did you ever try to get a group of children to look at the camera, especially when other people are around? "Look at the camera. Not at me. Look at the camera. Luca, look over here." So, you've been there too? There comes the point where you either press the shutter, or you walk away with nothing.
So many times, we wait for every star to be in alignment before doing anything. Now isn't the perfect time to embark on this venture because the weather might be bad. I don't think the market is right for me to begin this business. I just don't feel like beginning an exercise program now. I'll wait until I get a little more energy.
We hopefully learn that life will never be perfect enough to do anything. If it "is" perfect, you can be sure the weather will change after we begin. It's just the way life works, and why so many unsuccessful people think successful people are lucky. "They must have had everything going their way to get where they are." Nice cop out, but no. It's never the perfect time, but "now" is always the right time to do "something."
So, the next time we hesitate waiting for perfection, be aware that someone else is pressing the shutter button. Only one will walk away with a picture. I'll take an imperfect result over nothing any day. How about you?