Inspirational author Anthony J. D'Angelo said, "Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." That sounds great, but how is this actually accomplished?
Being a photographer and musician, I'm keenly aware of the powerful influence of things I let into my heart through sight and hearing. These are the two portals through which most of our moods are influenced all day long. I create and take in inspiring sights and sounds, watching for how they make me feel. If I don't regulate this personally, I find most of today's influences lead to despair and hopelessness.
Although I create beautiful wall art for others to transform rooms into happy places, I also do the same for myself. My home is filled with beauty that lifts my spirits, no matter which room I enter. It's my sunshine. I listen to uplifting and beautiful music as well, having no access to network TV or radio.
Our minds and bodies were created to thrive on sunshine, both physical and emotional. Fill your senses with it, and you'll thrive and grow, just like plants in spring!