Another month is nearly gone. We'll never see this piece of life again. Are we happy with what we've done with it? Do we carry the poisons of hate and unforgiveness over month after month? Do we express love and encouragement while we, and others, are still here to experience the healing? It's our choice.
Let's turn off the noise, breath in beauty, and ultimately become the hope and encouragement others so desperately need. Through my work, I'm so blessed to capture the beauty in many people. I thank you all for reminding me that life is a treasure.
The sand in the hourglass keeps getting lower. What's your focus for August, 2021? We'll only get those 31 days once, "if" at all. Let's encourage as many people as we can with our gifts and talents. These are deflating times. Each of us is part of the antidote to keep someone holding on. They're overwhelmed just like you and me.
Let's all intentionally express love and encouragement to someone different every week in August. We just never know how that could change 4 lives for each of us committing to this simple exercise!